Saturday, 12 November 2011

Thex Factor - Club classics - 'It's not over, not over, not over yet'

1. Marcus - Reet Petite was pretty cool. Except for all the references to SHE being fine.

2. Misha - I miss the crazy Gaga Grace Jones make up but she still has a good voice.

3. The Risk - I thought the white singers and the verses were good. But that left a lot of not-so-good. I didn't think they deserved to go but I'm not crying into my porridge.

4. Little Mix - it took me a good minute and a half to work out what song this was. Damn you Rihanna and your five similar hits a year!

5. Craig - his DJ Sammy cover was passable and in tune. He should've done the candelight mix though.

6. Kitty - she's very nasal and stilted this week. She sings like a French exchange student. It's in English but it's a series of sounds, not words.

7. Janet - there was bogling and mind-boggling hair. Like she'd just bought some straighteners from Superdrug but the manual was in Polish. It was all very wedding singer-y. And she was singing about girls too. The big lezzer!

8. Johnny - He tried the old Wagner trick of singing two songs. It got him eliminated.

9. Frankie - all I wrote in my notes was 'the vest, eww'

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